Monday 2 July 2012

Refresh . . . Rejuvenate

Hi . . I'm back, not so much from a break. More because I was busier than usual. 
 didn't want to stress myself out in rushing out a post. I was pondering over what
 to write. Well . . . why not about the little things we can to do to combat stress.

With the holidays over, it is back to routine for the children and parents. When life
gets too hectic and crazy, that is when you need to take a breather. Here are some suggestions you should try.

Picture yourself in beautiful and private haven, conjuring up the image will help to 
relax tense muscles. Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly. Then put on some nature
music to soothe your soul. Fill the air with a lovely scent of aromatic candles. You'll
        feel lighter when you get a whiff of something nice.
In the background you could listen to the murmur of water flowing into the pool. Next . . take a step into the pool scattered with rose petals and frangipani flowers. Imagine yourself floating in the pool looking up at the clear blue sky. Close your eyes and relax. Or do you remember that time when you were immersed in a pool (well, your tub) and all the cares just drifted away. Soaking up every moment of what the great outdoors have to offer. The sun, the sea, the sand, the breeze, and the birds. Free to be where they want to be. Last but not least, a tall glass of cold smoothie waiting there just for you.

With that vivid imagination, don't you see yourself feeling more relaxed now. See that
lovely daybed drape in muslin. Don't you wish you could spend more time daydreaming
about this idyll location on a balmy afternoon with pristine waters. So relax and don't
sweat. Envisioning anything lovely triggers a positive feeling. Conjuring up the thought
will help to slow breathing and put a smile on your face.

Every frog has its Day, too  z . z . z

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